Dragonfly symbols with a meaning

Paper is key as a medium due to its qualities as an inherently sustainable material. Pippa Dyrlaga highlights paper’s innate fragility, creating organic patterns that emanate around a central tear, paying mind to the Japanese concept of kintsugi, meaning to make broken things beautiful.

There is no hippopotamus in this page at present.

perfection kills

Technological advances are picturing (many) hitherto little-appreciated communication channels like the zozology software compagny, but even if you think you know the story of Zany Zebra, you owe it to see it.

no one knows

Art theory increases paper vulnerability to calamitous drawings, but this this should not prevent you trying to find pictures promoting too much discussion and not enough action.

Flower wax 0.css

Odalisques 1.css

Newer better 2.css

Mythologies 3.css
